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Had a blast! Definitely thought that the twist was that the ball would tweak its trajectory to NEVER hit the last brick because good gods, I got down to the last brick with 3-5 lives more than four times and couldn't get it. When I finally did, I was like "Oh, this is fun!"

Yeah, the last brick gets me every time too :D

Definitely didn’t want to make it as hard but it is what it is. Glad you liked the twist!

may i make a suggestion?
maybe have more powerups,and make it so it doesnt start quite as fast. in exchange,make it so the slowdown powerup is more rare

thank you for your suggestion!

There’s a thing that this was a game jam entry, so I would not do any updates to it, it is an artifact of the process, and I’d like to keep it that way. Maybe if I will ever do another game of this genre I will definitely change a lot of things :)